Leavenworth: Best Climbing Trip Ever

And I quote: “Best climbing trip ever.”

It was our third climbing and camping trip together, and our longest one yet. We spent a full week bouldering in Leavenworth, sleeping in a tent, living like dirtbags… and we absolutely loved it.

On the drive down to Leavenworth, I talked about my climbing goals for the trip: I wanted to retroflash The Hueco Route V1, send one V2 every day, and send a single V3 (which would also be my first outdoor V3).

Fast forward to the end of the week: I easily retroflashed The Hueco Route, sent one or even two V2s day, and sent FIVE V3s altogether. My partner got more than 35 sends of V2 and higher, including his penultimate climb, Mr. Leftist V6. It was the best week of climbing both of us had ever done.

Between all the climbs and attempts and falls and torn skin? Everything else was incredible too. The starry skies, cribbage every night before bed, sleeping with the fly off, morning coffees on the side of the road, bathing in an ice cold river aptly named Icicle Creek, cooking delicious camp food, two rounds of drunken mini golf, a rest day where we didn’t even fully rest, and meeting so many wonderful people.

Our trip to Leavenworth left me wanting more. More days exploring the rocks down in Leavenworth, sure, but more so days living like a dirtbag and exploring anywhere I can.

Robyn Petrik
Writer, poet, and creativity enthusiast from Vancouver. I help gutsy creatives spark their creativity and light up their lives, and I believe in living a life you love.

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Serendipitous Climbing in Austin, Texas